Institutional Communication » Implemented Programmes, Projects and Services
Implemented Programmes, Projects and Services
The partners behind African-Communication have carried out numerous projects. Some are listed below to inspire your work on building your institutional profile and capacity in development issues, conflict and crisis prevention.
Pakistan "Anti-illegal migration communications campaign" - Client: British Foreign Office/ British High Commission Islamabad, 2013
Multimedia strategic communication campaign focusing on preventing illegal migration/people trafficking. Production of documentary for transmission on Pakistan Television plus DVDs, linking to the film on YouTube, PR activities and the production and transmission of radio programming and a programme of outreach activities in colleges and universities. Monitoring and evaluation mechanism developed including focus groups and on going research. The project is the first phase of a greater anti illegal immigration communication strategy.
Multimedia strategic communication campaign focusing on preventing illegal migration/people trafficking. Production of documentary for transmission on Pakistan Television plus DVDs, linking to the film on YouTube, PR activities and the production and transmission of radio programming and a programme of outreach activities in colleges and universities. Monitoring and evaluation mechanism developed including focus groups and on going research. The project is the first phase of a greater anti illegal immigration communication strategy.
Palestine "Evaluation on ECHO's Positioning on Advocacy and Communication" - Client: EU ECHO, 2013
Evaluation and structured analysis on the positioning of ECHO's advocacy and communication in Palestine, its intervention strategy, EU-declarations and advocacy activities from international humanitarian actors in areas where International Humanitarian Law is violated. A risk and impact analysis focusing on ECHO's advocacy options, a tailored advocacy strategy and and a 2-year plan for its implementation in Palestine.
Evaluation and structured analysis on the positioning of ECHO's advocacy and communication in Palestine, its intervention strategy, EU-declarations and advocacy activities from international humanitarian actors in areas where International Humanitarian Law is violated. A risk and impact analysis focusing on ECHO's advocacy options, a tailored advocacy strategy and and a 2-year plan for its implementation in Palestine.
Bosnia and Herzegovina "International Monitoring Operation (IMO) of the Population and Housing Census"- Client: Eurostat, 2012-2013
Monitoring of the preparation and implementation of a 2013 census including its communication and outreach activities. Particular focus on its technical professionalism and how the responsible institutions avoid that the census is abused to strengthen ethnical division.
Monitoring of the preparation and implementation of a 2013 census including its communication and outreach activities. Particular focus on its technical professionalism and how the responsible institutions avoid that the census is abused to strengthen ethnical division.
Turkey "Drafting terms of reference for the ‘Information and Communications Support Programme - Phase II"- Client: EC Delegation to Turkey, 2008
Analysis of communications needs and requirements of EC Delegation in Turkey. Definition of communication priorities within the current political context. Review of the activities and work programmes of the information and communications support programme in order to prepare Terms of Reference and complete tender dossier for communication programme on EU enlargement.
Pakistan "Coommunication Study and Strategy for EU in Pakistan" - Client: EC Delegation to Pakistan, 2008
A visibility study on the perception, knowledge, and the attitude towards EC Activities in Pakistan. A visibility and communication strategy for the EC-Delegation to Pakistan including strategic communication for education, social development and conflict prevention.
Global "Evaluation of Visibility of EU External Action" - Client: EC Commission, 2010-2011
Evaluation of the visibility of EU External Action in order to clarify the definition of visibility and if necessary elaborate a typology of different aspects of visibility, address the rationale and the aims of visibility. The project also aimed to find out ''if'', ''how'' and ''when'' visibility works in specific thematic areas covered by support through DG RELEX, DEV and AIDCO and to understand how visibility may be determined by a type of aid modality, and type of activity. The evaluation provided lessons learnt and recommendations especially concerning visibility of EU External Action as a factor for democratic accountability, visibility as a factor for increased coordination within the EU as well as in the donor community and visibility as a factor for increased coherence within the EU.
Macedonia (FYROM) "Peer assessment of the Population and Housing Census in the Republic of Macedonia" - Client: Eurostat EC, 2010-2011
Review of the communications and outreach strategies prepared by the State Statistical Office of FYROM prior to the 2011 population census and interviews with stakeholders culminating in recommendations to ensure high census participation.
Africa "Communication Support to the Water Partnership Programme" - Client: WPP, African Development Bank, 2009
Assessment of visibility needs and development of approach and tools for increased visibility of the Water Partnership Programme programme, including development of graphic guidelines and communications manual.