Please feel free to download this literature produced by African Communication or its founders which focuses on communication issues connected to development, conflicts and institution building.
By Cees van Zweeden:
The State of the Media in Kosovo, Helsinki Monitor, 2007
By Francis Rolt:
Target Audiences for Peacebuilding.Radio - A Guide
Radio Talkshows for Peacebuilding, co-author with Ross Howard, SFCG, 2005
The Media; Reaching Hearts and Minds, leading chapter article in, People Building Peace II, Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, United Nations, 2005
Radio Soap Opera for Peacebuilding Part II - a Training Manual for writers, with Jon Hargreaves, SFCG, 2005
Radio Soap Opera for Peacebuilding Part I - A project manager's guide, SFCG, 2004
The Power of the Media, A Handbook for Peacebuilders, co-editor, European Centre for Conflict Prevention, 2002
By Eran Fraenkel:
Digital Communications and Conflict Dynamics in Vulnerable Societies
Macedonia and the EU: Plunging Headlong Into the Past
Afghanistan Media Assessment
Macedonia: Extreme Challenges for the ‘Model’ Multiculturalism. Co-author with Sally Broughton.
by Eran Fraenkel
Making Peace. Co-author with John Marks. Yes, A Magazine of Positive Futures, 2000, Spring: 2-5
Why Macedonia has not exploded. Co-author with John Marks. Conflict Prevention Newsletter, 1998, March, vol 1, no.1, pp. 10-11. (The article can be accessed by pressing the “article-“button and writing its title.)
By Bent Nørby Bonde:
How 12 Cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed were Brought to Trigger an International Conflict,
Streamlining of Media as a CFSP
Media in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Strategies
by Shira Loewenberg, Bent Nørby Bonde (eds.)
Notes on Media and the Nigerian conflicts
Note on Mass Media and Journalism on the Edge in Violent Conflicts – Rwanda, U.S.A and Kosovo
UN-led Strategies for Media and Communications in Conflict Prevention and Peace Building
Media and Communications in Conflict Prevention and Peace-Building - Exploring Strategies for International and UN-led Conflict Transformation
Résumé and Conclusions